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Veteran's Bucket List Dreams

Shawn 'Cookie' Halleck

Shawn “Cookie” Halleck, age 40, served in the Army from 2000 until 2015. He served two combat deployments and one overseas tour. His duty stations were Fort Polk, Louisiana; Seoul, South Korea; Fort Lee, Virginia; Recruiting Station Jackson, Michigan; Fort Gordon, Georgia; Iraq; Fort Lewis, Washington; and Afghanistan.

Shawn came to the attention of Bucket List Dreams through an ‘insider’ if you will. Bucket List Dreams exists to provide meaningful experiences for GREAT people. Our definition of ‘great’ is people who willingly step up to serve and thus exemplify a ‘life well done.’ This does not mean that they necessarily achieve things which society may label great or that they are famous. To Bucket List Dreams, a great person is someone who serves, puts family first, is a provider who never gives up on trying to do the right things—things that are good for family, friends, our communities, and the traditional American way. The Bucket List Dreams Motto is “Bravo Zulu,” an old military term meaning ‘a job well done.’ To Bucket List, living a good life regardless of achievements or notoriety is a job well done. Bravo Zulu.

Shawn Halleck is one of these people. This is what Shawn’s ‘insider,’ Julie Watrous, says about him: “Shawn currently works for Clemens Food Group in Coldwater, Michigan. With Shawn, it’s all about taking care of and protecting his family and others. He was all about that when in the service… ‘to Serve and Protect’… and now as a civilian, he is still about protecting, providing, and making sure all is taken care of in his life.”

“Shawn is a very caring and compassionate person. He does his best for others when he can and still has the ‘Army’ ethics in all he does. He does not know how to do things for himself because he always puts others first. He will always do what needs to be done to provide for his family and to help others… and he is always there for another Vet.”

Shawn is a native of Pittsford, Michigan. He joined the Army the second day of his Senior year in High School. He joined because he viewed it as a way out of Pittsford, and the Army gave him the opportunity to do what he wanted to do with his life. He wanted to become a Chef without having to pay tuition costs at a university. When he joined, his plan was to do his initial contract of three years and get out to start his own restaurant. However, he fell in love with the Army! Then 9/11 happened, and his world changed.

“There is no greater love than that of a man who would lay down his life for a brother.” This quote is a reworded bible verse (John 15:13), and it describes how Shawn always felt about being in the Army. Shawn told his insider, “I will always bleed green.” Shawn considers himself ‘insanely’ lucky to have served this country. He says he loves America and every opportunity ‘she’ has given him. Shawn loved the Army because without the trials and tribulations while in the Army and the influence of those experiences upon his life, he can’t imagine where he would be today. It was a growth and self-improvement opportunity, and Shawn seized it.

Shawn’s insider says, “He is very strong… strong for himself and his family, and he never gives up.” When Shawn got out of the Army, he wanted to work with Vets because no one knows or understands being a Vet like a Vet does. No matter when or how a person serves, he or she just ‘gets it.’ Shawn was approached about starting a group for Vets with PTSD—enter ‘Reboot’ workshops, which help Veterans and their families transition into civilian life. When he went through the course himself, he realized a lot about himself, and the course also helped his family. So much so that he became a course facilitator. Though rewarding, Shawn’s ability to participate recently is limited in that he currently is working 50+ hours a week at Clemens Foods.

Shawn recognizes that none of us pass through this life alone. Even though our Bucket List Dreams ‘story’ is about Shawn, he is compelled to acknowledge the people whom he says influenced him and helped shape his life. Shawn wants to let these people know how much he appreciates the many who, through their friendship, love, compassion, brotherhood, and help, have molded him into the man he is today. First and foremost: his Parents (Tom and Donna Halleck): “Mom and Dad, I couldn’t ask for better parents. THANK YOU for ALWAYS being there no matter what time or where you were.”

Shawn’s Children: “Everyday that I get to be your Father is a blessing… you will always be my reason for everything.”

Shawn’s Wife, Kylee: “You got a broken man, and you helped me to heal while building me back up… THANK YOU.”

Julie Watrous: “Your friendship has turned into ‘family.’ Thank you for all you have been and continue to be in my life.”

Crystal: “You went through all of the Army time with me while our lives changed. I am still happy to call you family and am forever grateful for your dedication while we served this country.”

Zack Damron: “Brother, there are no words. Your leadership and friendship will always be forefront in my mind. Thank you for always being the first call and, most times, last call I have to make.”

“Some of the greatest men and women I have ever known have stood beside me and were true leaders. These people taught me, showed me the way, and guided me into becoming the man I am today, and to you all, I am so very thankful.”

“This Bucket List Dreams trip came at the perfect time. As my wife and I engage in and enjoy this adventure, I am making it with certain people in mind and dedicating it to… my brothers who I lost in combat. Know this: I live every day as completely as I can in your honor as I know you would do.”

Shawn “Cookie” Halleck is the father of seven children, two from his first marriage to Crystal and five from his marriage to Kylee. He is employed at Clemens Food Group, Jonesville, MI. Shawn was Honorably Discharged in 2015. During his nearly 15 years of service, he received numerous commendations and citations. With all the above said, Shawn’s Bucket List Dream begins!

Shawn and his wife will be traveling to Beaver Island, Michigan. ‘Stay tuned’ for pictures and commentary as Shawn and Kylee’s adventures play out. We at Bucket List Dreams wish to thank both Shawn and Kylee. We are truly honored to know you, and we very much appreciate the privilege of telling your story. We hope that you have a wonderful time!

Shawn’s Bucket List Dream was to ‘escape’ with his wife… to step away from the stress and hard work for a while and to ‘regroup,’ if you will. Bucket List Dreams was pleased to accommodate this request with a trip to Beaver Island, Michigan. If you wish to get away from it all, Beaver Island is the perfect place.

Shawn’s trip began with a ‘celebration dinner’—‘celebration’ meaning that we at Bucket List are about ‘celebrating a life well done,’ so we always start a dream with fun and food. We met to recognize Shawn, his service, and to discuss the arrangements made for Shawn and Kylee. At the dinner were Julie Watrous, the ‘insider’ who brought Shawn to our attention; of course, Shawn and Kylee; Andrea Oetjens and her husband, Jere, who is a Bucket List Dreams Volunteer Event Planner; and Bruce and Paula Banning, with Bruce being the Bucket List Dreams Secretary.

Well, it is November, and last month, Shawn and Kylee were able to enjoy their much-needed retreat. Bucket List Dreams is truly honored to have been able to provide this ‘escape’ for this deserving US Army Veteran. Shawn served us for 15 years, so we are thrilled to have been able to recognize him for that service. Here is how the trip began:

Shawn and Kylee enjoyed an all-expense-paid trip provided by Bucket List Dreams and the following kind and generous residents of Beaver Island:

  • Lodging: Beaver Island Lodge graciously provided a ‘Fall Color’ stay which included:    
    • Lodging in the Lakefront Lodge Room
    • Basket of Wine and Goodies
    • Continental Breakfast Daily
    • 1 Day Bicycle Rental for 2
    • 1 Day Package Lunch
    • 3 Hour Island Color and Historical Tour
    • Round Trip Transfers
  • Transportation: Beaver Island Boat Company provided a ride on “the Big Boat,” with round trip tickets for 2.
  • Golf: Beaver Island Golf Course, known for “A Wee Bit of Scotland on the Emerald Isle,” provided:    
    • A Round of Golf for 2  
    • Golf Cart 
  • Whisky Point Brewing Company: Provided a gift certificate to ensure a sampling of island-made craft beverages, including a dinner with drinks.
  • Additional Support: Bucket List Dreams provided a Visa Gift Card to cover all other expenses, including gas, other meals, and miscellaneous needs.

At the end of the trip, Shawn posted the following on Facebook: “We’re on the boat!!! Meeting the sweetest people along the way! Thank you Bruce and everyone involved in making this happen.”

We at Bucket List Dreams want to thank Shawn for allowing us to tell his story. Please keep Shawn and Kylee in your prayers, and we wish them the best of luck in the future… may they carry the memory of their Bucket List Dream with them.

Shawn’s wife’s comments after the trip:

“We wanted to say THANK YOU again for giving us the opportunity to be able to experience Beaver Island. We have never been to a place where the people (literally ALL OF THE PEOPLE) were kind, sweet, and made you feel like you were coming home, and they all appreciate that you’re there. We had a gentleman pull over and offer us a ride because it was dark. We said no thank you as we were really enjoying just being in nature and with one another. So he left, and about 2 maybe 3 minutes later Sheriff Joe stopped to make sure we were good and to see if we would like a ride. The gentleman thought we said no cause he was a stranger and asked Joe to double-check! LIKE WHAT?! And it wasn’t just that one time. Everywhere you went, people were looking out for one another, and while you are there, it includes you. This is something Shawn and I have never seen. We literally walked 25+ miles and rode a little over 40 on the bikes. It was the most amazing weekend. Shawn is over the moon. Which we got to see, along with shooting stars and lots of darkness. No northern lights, but that’s okay. We hiked to the tallest point on the island. Let me tell ya, going down is way better! Lol. Thank you again. I’ve taken hundreds of pictures.”

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Bucket List Dreams was founded by a disabled Veteran who observed that military service can often impact ones quality of life.

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